Happy Birthday, Jenn!
Whether it’s with some Dunkin’ or a new pair of heels, our resident fashionista will be celebrating this weekend and we couldn’t let her get out of an interview, even if her official birthday falls on a Saturday. We stole a few minutes to chat with her before she started her birthday weekend to chat about her tenure at VCG, her tweetable resume and tough decisions.
What’s your official title?
Senior Account Executive
What type of accounts do you work on?
Oh, a whole bunch. I work on consumer electronics, pharmaceutical, non-profit accounts and retail.
What’s a day in the life like for you?
None of them are the same. (Although they do always start with some coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts)
How long have been with VCG?
11 years…(wow) I know!
Do you have a hobby?
Shoe collecting and soccer mom-ing.
What’s your favorite memory?
Probably when we got to take our kids trick-or-treating around the office after a hurricane. Halloween had basically been cancelled that year, so it was nice that we could bring the kids in to celebrate.
If you had to choose: free Dunkin’ for life or ANY five pairs of shoes in the world?
Oh no! Free Dunkin’ for LIFE? Or any five pairs of shoes in the WORLD? Oh… I think I definitely have to take the shoes. Although I love coffee almost as much as I love shoes!
What’s your favorite thing in your office?
The picture of Ryan I have up there that Michael (one of our creative directors) took.
Here’s a fun one: give us your resume in 140 characters or less:
Senior Account Executive – Soccer mom – Dance teacher – Crafter – Lego Master – Shoe enthusiast – coffee drinker – Champion label fixer
Enjoy your birthday weekend, Jenn!

The AMI Digital Summit: The Flight Crew Heads to Chicago
Our Flight Crew makes penguins fly from the East Coast most days, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love spreading our wings every once in a while–especially when it’s to hone our skills so we can become even smarter, more efficient, and more digitally savvy when it comes to the latest industry happenings.

Creating the GDUSA Award-Winning Biovanta Website & the Relationship Behind It
Winning a GDUSA award is always exciting because it’s both a celebration of our designers’ hard work and a time to reflect on our partnership with a client in relation to the project itself. We’re only as good as our last project after all, and our partnerships make us who we are. So let’s take a dive into not just creating the GDUSA award-winning Biovanta website, but into how it all came to be.

Grassroots Marketing
We recently brought a grassroots marketing campaign to life in Central Park for the family-owned snack company John Wm. Macy’s. Our experience got us thinking about the core aspects of grassroots marketing and audience engagement, and what it takes to create a successful campaign. It’s a layered concept, so let’s dive in together.