International Women’s Day: Celebrating the Women of Vision
Today is International Women’s Day and we are celebrating all of the cultural, economic, social, and political achievements made by women. We would like to introduce you to all of the amazing women of Vision Creative Group! Get to know who inspires them, what their passions are, and fun facts about each person below.
Meet Ashley Koehler
Senior Graphic Designer, 2.5 years with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Being able to be creative without many restrictions. Personally: My family and my hobby in photography.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
Emma Watson, she’s been a loud and proud voice in the movement for equal rights for women.
Fun fact about you!
I love watching the U.S. women’s national soccer team (USWNT) and saw them win the world cup in 2015 in Vancouver Canada. I also have 30+ autographs from the players that I personally got signed by attending their local league called NWSL.
Meet Natalie Davies
Graphic Designer, 1 year 8 months with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Kerning. Personally: Riding horses.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
My Mom, cause she’s my Mom.
Fun fact about you!
I can touch my tongue to my nose but can’t touch my toes.
Meet Katie Cozzi
Graphic Designer, 1 year 4 months with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: I am very passionate about graphic design and art in general. I do a lot of freelance paintings for people. Personally: I also play the guitar and am very passionate about music and theatre.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
My mom inspires me. Also, my late Aunt (my mom’s sister), my mom always said I was more like my Aunt than her. We share a soul and I hope to be a great as a person as she was.
Fun fact about you!
I own a jaw harp, my Dad bought it for me when I turned 21. I tried to learn how to play it, but never really tried. (Youtube it, its great).
Meet Jenn Persson
Senior Account Executive, 12 years with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Giving my Clients the BEST service, with unbeatable creative that is on time and on budget. Personally: Shoes!!! (and being the world’s coolest Soccer Mom).
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
Amal Clooney – She is a total Girl Boss – Amazing career as a human rights lawyer and the ability to balance that and family life. She is intelligent, has an incredible work ethic, and can kick ass and look good while doing it….and she has a really impressive shoe collection.
Fun fact about you!
I’ve never been stung by a bee.
Meet Ally Wood
Senior Graphic Designer, 12 years with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: I am passionate about my work and perfecting it. I love clean concepts. Personally: I’m passionate about being a good mom and I also like working out.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
My mom obviously because she holds everything together.
Fun fact about you!
My cell phone number is still the very first number I’ve ever had.
Meet Angela Horr
Account Executive, 3.25 years with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Helping food-based clients provide valuable information to connect with consumers. Personally: Cooking and planning events so people have a really enjoyable experience.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
My mom. She is one of the strongest people I have ever met and Julia Child – she refused to let other people deter her from pursuing her passion.
Fun fact about you!
I have performed on the stage at Lincoln Center. Also, I can say the alphabet backwards faster than I can say it forward.
Meet Michelle Egan
Senior Graphic Designer, 4 years with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: I’m passionate about Illustration. Since I could hold a pencil in my hand, I have loved drawing and letting my imagination take over. Personally: I am also passionate about family, music, nature, animal rights, and my dogs.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
The first woman to inspire me is my mother. She is the strongest, most nurturing, caring person I know. She’s an occupational therapist and works with children with developmental disabilities.
Fun fact about you!
I snort when I laugh.
Meet Kelly DiGiesi
Creative Director, 18 years 9 months with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Providing the best creative options possible. Personally: Living a healthy lifestyle for myself and my family.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
Not one woman, I am inspired by all of my women friends every day those who balance work, kids, personal lives etc. Especially my close girlfriends, we all help each other out. The phrase “It takes a village” is so very true.
Fun fact about you!
I have a secret talent for making balloon animals.
Meet Brianna Marosy
Social Media and Design Manager, 1 month with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Creating something that impacts others. Personally: Music, art, helping people even in the tiniest of ways.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
I’m inspired by all strong women who aren’t afraid to have a voice, shatter stereotypes, exceed others’ expectations.
Fun fact about you!
I love drawing portraits and constantly doodle eyes.
Meet Carla Renshaw
Office Manager, 6 months with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: It is very important to me to be the best worker I can be, I take my job very seriously, I am always trying to perfect my craft. Personally: My passion is my daughter Alia. She is my world and I live every day for her. She is my sidekick, and legit connected to my hip! I can’t breathe without her.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
My mom is my world. She is more together than I ever could be, and makes it look so damn easy!
Fun fact about you!
I am fighter/boxer for 10 years.
Meet Lori Thompson
Vice President, Account Executive, 16 years with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Making my clients happy and doing what I can to make their jobs a little easier. Personally: Being the best mother and role model for my children.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
I am inspired by all working mothers and how they manage to balance work and family.
Fun fact about you!
I have a few farm animals – chickens, ducks, and a goat!
Meet Kathy Phillips
Senior Account Executive, 5 years with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Helping clients successfully rebrand themselves. Personally: Music.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
Michelle Obama for her leadership, compassion, confidence, and inspiration.
Fun fact about you!
I also work as a singer for a Fleetwood Mac tribute show.
Meet Sharon Petry
Executive Vice President, 27 years with the company
What are you most passionate about both work and personally?
Work: Most passionate about making sure my clients have what they need when they need it, our service is what sets us apart. I’m very competitive and that keeps me on my toes to always want to do the very best work that I can. It’s very satisfying to help a client out and help make them look good! Personally: I’m passionate about running and travel. Love them both and even better when running in a new place.
Who is a woman that inspires you and why?
My 19 year old daughter inspires me. The way she thinks, her compassion, her ability to write so eloquently and to see into the heart of something all inspire me every day.
Fun fact about you!
I am the go-to techie in my house to fix all things electronic – when the satellite doesn’t work or the DVD player or the remote.

The AMI Digital Summit: The Flight Crew Heads to Chicago
Our Flight Crew makes penguins fly from the East Coast most days, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love spreading our wings every once in a while–especially when it’s to hone our skills so we can become even smarter, more efficient, and more digitally savvy when it comes to the latest industry happenings.

Creating the GDUSA Award-Winning Biovanta Website & the Relationship Behind It
Winning a GDUSA award is always exciting because it’s both a celebration of our designers’ hard work and a time to reflect on our partnership with a client in relation to the project itself. We’re only as good as our last project after all, and our partnerships make us who we are. So let’s take a dive into not just creating the GDUSA award-winning Biovanta website, but into how it all came to be.

Grassroots Marketing
We recently brought a grassroots marketing campaign to life in Central Park for the family-owned snack company John Wm. Macy’s. Our experience got us thinking about the core aspects of grassroots marketing and audience engagement, and what it takes to create a successful campaign. It’s a layered concept, so let’s dive in together.