Advil was in the midst of launching a new TV campaign and wanted to integrate the new messaging and creative into their in-store and shopper marketing efforts. Vision was tasked with translating the TV campaign into a new key visual for the Advil brand that would provide a 360° approach across all consumer promotion initiatives. In developing the new visual, Vision ensured it communicated consistent branding and messaging across all of the consumer touch points while conveying the essence of the advertising message and ultimately forming a set of positive associations with the brand. Once finely tuned, the new visual was rolled out to all of Advil’s national displays, account specific shopper marketing programs, and in-store creative executions. Our successful solution provided the “stop and hold” of consumers the client was looking for, helped drive choice at shelf, and was adaptable to a variety of in-store and promotional vehicles. By understanding the category and developing creative options that tapped into our design, development, production, and rendering skills, Vision provided effective solutions that maintained the overall brand equity and delivered a headache-free campaign!
Advil Consumer Activation
- Creative Exploratory
- Category Research
- Design & Development
- Key Visual Creative
- Consumer Activation
- In-Store and Shopper Marketing Executions
- Production, Renderings

How Did We Make Penguins Fly
Our team took full motion, animated TV ad visuals and successfully translated them into key in-store marketing vehicles. By utilizing individual display renderings each step of the way for testing and vetting, we ultimately nailed this marketing message adaptation. From shelf talkers to endcaps, our designs effectively communicated the brand’s new messaging at every point along the shopper’s journey.